Welcome to the only independent, reliable and free digital wine guide made by French experts! Few words of explanation.
- Because no one is willing to pay more for information than the product it recommends.
- Because the value of information is not measured by its price but by its issuer, especially when he guarantees independence, expertise and reliability.
- There are never any conflicting interests between those who comment the wines and producers. We do not sell advertising that is directly or indirectly linked to any producer.
- Neither do we sell wine fairs, medals, labels or other events or aids that could engender any form of influence on the tasters.
- The tastings are conducted blind without any form of preselection or commercial influence.
- The tasters of La Tulipe Rouge are all professional wine tasters with considerable experience (20 to 40 years of expertise). Always open to learn and discover, whenever possible they taste together as a team. These four friends introduce themselves over here.
- A fair selection meaning that each and every wine sample is treated in the same way: tasted blind to avoid any possible influence that a known label or producer might have on a taster, or, on the other hand, who might be led to neglect an unknown one.
- All the wines are tasted according to a protocol that is adapted to the price category (it is clear that one should be more demanding for a wine selling for a hundred euros or more than for one sold for under 20 euros) and an original ranking system that defines the style of wine. The idea is not to place wines at various hierarchical levels, but to appreciate them for what they have to offer.
- As for wines that have not been selected - and there are plenty! - a detailed comment that explains the reasons for this rejection is sent to the producer for his eyes only in order to give him constructive feedback (we are the only ones in the world to do this!). These wines do not appear on the website.
- Instead of making a few pay a lot (who in effect buy influence), we've chosen to make everyone pay very little. Registration for the Tulipe Rouge tastings costs €60. This means that everyone, from small estates to major wine merchants, can take part without representing a financial weight sufficiently large to influence the outcome of the tasting, even with a large number of samples.
- In this way, tastings can be carried out blind, without any pre-selection system or additional sales, in complete independence.
What better proof than the testimonies of winemakers, amateurs and professionals! They talk better about La Tulipe Rouge than we do!